Afghanistan is a country located in the central Asian region. Pakistan is situated south, and Iran is located to its west. China and Pakistan flank their eastern border.......
Lithium is an alkali metal, which is silvery-white in colour. It is very soft and reactive. It reacts in the presence of water and oxygen. It is the least reactive element among the alkali metals. Lithium metal is very light. A bar of Lithium can float on water. Lithium was discovered in 1817 by scientist Johan Arfvedson of Sweden. It has a low melting point and the highest heat capacity......
Ladakh is located in the northern part of India. It is the land of Buddhism and Tantra. Padma Sambhava or Rimpoche came to Ladakh to preach the nuances of Vajra yana of Buddhism to local people. It is said that Avalokiteswar Buddha and Amitav Buddha also visited Ladakh to teach the principles devised by Gautama Buddha and his disciples..
Gilgit-Baltistan is located to the northern part of Ladakh territory of India. Pakistan is located to the west. Tibet autonomous region and Xinjiang are located to the east. Tajikistan and Afghanistan are located to the northern part of the Gilgit-Baltistan region.
Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources like iron ore, bauxite, chromite, cobalt, nickel, copper, silver, gold, lead, zinc, uranium, vanadium, bismuth, tungsten, molybdenum,
cadmium, phosphates, borates, fluorine, potassium and limestone. It is also rich in crude oil, natural gas and coal. Oil and natural gas are found along the coastal region of the Caspian Sea.
Coking coal and energy coal are found in 155 deposits. ---
India is a maritime power since the ancient days. There were trade and commercial activities between the Indian states and other countries.
The countries like Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia and Ethiopia were having trade with states on the western coasts of India.---
Bhutan is a small country located in the eastern Himalaya. It is a beautiful place with mountain peaks, hill ranges, varied vegetation, gushing rivers, waterfalls,
rapids and colorful wildlife. The neighbors are two giants India and China. The northern flank is covered by Tibet. The southern flank is covered by West Bengal. The western part
is covered by hill state of Sikkim.---
The Middle East region or the West Asia region is located between the Indian subcontinent and the Mediterranean region. The region is dry with stretches of desert and semi desert land.
The rain fall is scanty and may not go above 600 mm per year. The cyclonic rain during September and October covers the coastal region of the Arabian Sea.
The lands are rugged, barren, sandy and hilly in nature---
Iran is a country of the west Asian region. It has neighbours like Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. It has an area of 1,648,198 The coast line length is around 2440 km. ....
Cambodia is a country of the South East Asian region. It is famous for the art and architecture of the Angkor Watt temple.
The country has rich cultural heritage and traditional past.Its neighbors are Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. It has coast line along the gulf of Thailand....
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses related by RNA. All these viruses cause diseases in mammals and birds. All of these Coronaviruses have a zoonotic origin. Most of these viruses cause respiratory infections in human beings - lethal infections such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Corona Virus Infection Disease (COVID-19). Covid-19 is the latest version of Corona Virus that played havoc in the entire world. Any specific drug or vaccine is yet to be developed to control this new disease. Covid-19 has turned in to an epidemic in China and became a pandemic by spreading to most countries of the world. This virus was first reported from Wuhan city of Hubei province of China.....

Laos is a land locked country in south-east Asian region .It has an area of 236800 It is full of hills,mountain ranges ,narrow valleys and water bodies.Around 5 percent of the land area is suitable for agriculture.Paddy cultivation is the main agricultural activity of the people of Laos.The
climate is subtropical to tropical in nature....
Afghanistan is a land locked country in central Asia. It has an area of 652000 The population is around 30 million.The country has gone through the civil war,
power struggle and war with terror outfits like Taliban...
Indian civilization is one of the important civilizations of the world since ancient time. Gold, gold coins and gold ornaments are part of the Indian society. Gold is associated with religious and social ceremonies in India...
India is rich in minerals like iron ore,manganese ore,chromite, bauxite, graphite,limestone,barite and coal.Most of the minerals are extracted by mining lease holders.Coal is mostly extracted by the public sector company Coal India Ltd......
Sponge iron is a product made by direct reduction of iron ore in the presence of coal and lime stone. Gas is also used in place of coal to reduce the iron ore into sponge iron. The oxygen is removed and the ore is converted into more than 90% of metallic content. The sponge iron industries started in India during 1980s....
Myanmar is rich in minerals ,coal,oil and natural gas.The major rock compositions of Myanmar are granite, pegmatite, pagodite, gneiss, schist, quartzite, slate, basalt, dolerite, gabro, pyroxeniite, sandstone, limestone and gravels.A number of important metallic minerals are found and extracted from deposits in mineral reserves...
Mongolia is a land locked country. It is covered by China and Russia. It is a developing country with large nomadic population. But the nature is graceful upon Mongolia. It is rich in varieties of minerals....
Philippines is a country of islands located in the pacific ocean near Vietnam and Indonesia. It is affected by cyclones and oceanic storms. Earth quake tremors also affect the islands every year.....