Cuba is located in the Caribbean Sea. Caribbean Sea is part of North Atlantic Ocean. The country is combination of group of islands. The largest one is Cuba Island.
These islands are formed by volcanic actions of volcanoes on the ocean bed. Cuba has a length of 1250 km and width of 191 km...
Hawaii is formed by group of volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. The total area of the islands is 10432 The width of the largest island is 122km.
The highest elevation point is 4206 meter. The islands are divided into 9 administrative districts. These are Puna, South Hilo, North Hilo, Humakua, North Kohala,
South Kohala, North Kona, South Kona, and Kao. The capital of Hawaii is Kilo.
Mexico is a country of North America. It has border with USA in the north, Guatemala and Belize in the south. The Pacific Ocean is in the west
and the Gulf of Mexico in the in the east. The geographical area of Mexico is 1972550 The coast line is around 9330 km. Some islands are also
part of the territory of Mexico. These islands are in the Pacific Ocean, Gulf of California, gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean sea....
Puerto Rico is a territory of USA. It is located in the north eastern part of the Caribbean Sea. Puerto Rico is closer to Dominican Republic, US Virgin Island and British Virgin Island. The area of the territory is 9104 The length of the coastline is around 580 km....

Alaska is rich in minerals, coal. oil and natural gas. After the gold rush of California, there was a rush to Alaska for Gold.
After 1848, gold mining was started in the Sitka area. Gold deposits are found in Forty mile county, White mountain near Fairbanks,
Klondike zone and Nome area. All major gold mining is carried out from placer deposits. Zinc and lead are major minerals produced in Alaska.
Minerals of silver, copper and platinum are also found and extracted there. Coal is found in large quantity. The coal produced is mostly used in power production.
The remaining amount of coal exports to South Korea. Oil and natural gas are major resources of Alaska. It is the The second largest oil producing state after Texas.
North slope region is the oil producing region. Alaska contributes significantly towards The mineral and oil economy of USA.