Italy is a country located in the southern part of Europe. The border countries are France, Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland and San Marino. Italy has an area of 301217 sq km. Rome is the capital city . Vatican City is located closer to Rome. The population of Italy is around 61261254. Italy is flanked by Adriatic sea in the east and Mediterranean Sea in the south and western part. It has some major island regions like Sicily and Sardinia. Smaller islands like Elba, Tremit, Eolie, Egadi and Pantelleria are also part of the territory of Italy. The area of Sicily is around 25400 sq km and that of Sardinia is around 24000 sq km. The entire country is covered by hills, mountain ranges , river valleys and lakes. .....

France is a developed country and located in the western part of Europe. Paris is the capital of France. The country has a geographical area of 640679
It has coastal regions along the Atlantic Ocean in the western direction and coast along the Mediterranean Sea in the south. The coast line of France is 3427 km long.....
Germany is located in the Western Europe. It has an area of 3,57,021 The adjoining countries are Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg,...
India is a strategic partner of Russia. They have trade relations to benefit both the countries. India imports metals, minerals coking coal and crude oil...
Greece is famous for its past civilization and achievements. It is located in the eastern part of Europe. The neighbouring countries are Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria.
Greece has a rich culture of art, painting, music and sculpture...

Green land is a huge land mass located closer to the north pole. It is covered with ice and rocks. The land mass is composed of rock types like basalt, granite, Gneiss,
schist and green stone. Since 1806 regular mineral survey and exploration was started and carried out by mineralogists and geologists from Germany, UK, Denmark,
Sweden And Netherlands. The first mineral explorer was the drama actor and writer K.L. Geisecke of Germany. He carried out mineralogical exploration between 1806 to 1813.
A number Of mineral explorations were carried out and mineral deposits are discovered in Green land. The important minerals are gold, silver, platinum, lead, zinc, molybdenum,
nickel, tantalum And niobium. Cryolite is extracted on demand for extraction of aluminium. Olivine is also mined in the western part of Greenland.