Tellurium occurs in small quantities with Tellurium and pyrite ores. It is also found in combination with bismuth, lead, gold and silver. Tellurium is added to copper to
improve the machinability of the copper alloys. It is also used as secondary vulcanizing agent. It is used as catalyst. Tellurium is used as photocopiers. It is used as data-storage
medium in computers. Selenium and tellurium are used in solar panels. Photo-thermal cells and photovoltaic cells also contain alloys of selenium and tellurium. The major producers of
tellurium are USA, Belgium, Japan, Peru, Russia and Canada. The gold bearing tellurides are very important as gold bearing ores. They occur in veins and replacement deposits.
In the upper parts of the veins the tellurides are decomposed and removed in solutions. Tellurium oxide is also formed near these veins.