Strontium & Barium

Melting Point:727'C
Electron Configuration:[Xe]6s2
Atomic Number:56
Atomic Mass:137.327±0.007u
Melting Point:777'C
Electron Configuration:[Kr]s2
Atomic Number:38
Atomic Mass:87.62±0.01u

Strontium does not occur in free state. Strontium resembles in its properties to calcium. This element may be extracted by electrolytic process. The fused potassium chloride and strontium chloride are electrolyzed for separation of strontium. The major minerals of strontium are celestite and strontianite. These minerals occur as nodular deposits in sedimentary rocks and vein deposits of hydrothermal origin. The important minerals are given as follows :

OreCommon NameFormula

Strontium and its compounds are used in production of fireworks. These is also used in production of ceramics, plastics, paints and chemicals. Strontium is alloyed with iron to produce special alloys of cast iron. It is used in magnetic separators , car heaters, wipers ,and large scale motors for industrial uses.

Barium resembles calcium in its properties. It is produced by reduction of barium oxides with aluminium in a vacuum furnace. Barium occurs in small amounts in rock-forming silicates. These minerals are leached out and deposited as sulphates and carbonates to form economic minerals. The important minerals of barium are given as follows:

OreCommon NameFormula

The major producers of barium metal and minerals are China, USA , India ,Mexico, Morocco, Thailand ,Peru ,Germany ,UK, France, Turkey, Greece, North Korea, Brazil, and Russia. Barium is used with iron as an alloying element. It is used for production of magnets. It is also used in dynamos .It has uses in water and gas meters. Barium is used in steel and steel based alloys .These materials are used in loud speakers and door catches. The Barium sulphate salt is used in manufacture of white pigments and chemicals and dyes. It is also used as hardener for lead